How Do You Make Profit With Arbitrage?
Arbatunity helps you take advantage of cryptocurrency price differences between exchanges. In South Africa the local price of cryptocurrency is almost always higher than the price on international exchanges.

We guide you through the whole process, and automate all the trading.
It's Safe
  • Arbatunity never takes custody of your funds.
  • We only charge fees when you make a profit.
  • No subscription or once-off fees
  • We do not rely on speculative trading
  • Exposure to volatile crypto prices is limited
  • We have been arbitrage trading since 2016
How Much Profit Can I Make?
With the use of our service, our clients typically make between R80k to R200k profit per year, however no guarantees are possible, and past performance doesn't predict future profits.
Who Can Sign Up?
  • You must be a South African citizen.
  • You must be eligible for a SA bank account.
  • Your tax affairs must be in order.
  • You need your own working capital (at least R200k).
Easy-to-Use Dashboard
Monitor the performance of your arbitrage trading.

Get notifications when your attention or input is needed so you can relax.
Hands On or Hands Off
You can choose to get involved and control your trading bots (within safe limits), or let our automated algorithms handle everything. We'll even do your tax clearance applications. Our methodology limits your exposure to price fluctuations, and lowers your risk.
Record Keeping
Automatically import transactions from crypto exchanges to generate reports on profit and performance.

Generate reports which can be used for tax reporting.
Who Are We?
Tristan Phillips (Director)
Tristan has an MSc(Eng) Elec. from The University of Cape Town. He is an entrepreneur with 20 years of experience in IT and electrical engineering.
Dietmar Rheeder-Kleist (Director)
Dietmar is an entrepreneur with 20 years of experience in the IT and telecoms industries. He is also a registered tax practitioner.
Both Tristan and Dietmar have had a keen interest in anything crypto related since 2016. They have both had a strong focus on arbitrage trading and have from early 2017, planned and designed what is now Arbatunity.

Arbatunity is owned and operated by these two co-founders. It has been growing rapidly whilst providing an excellent, safe user experience to many happy clients.
Contact Information
6 Crinum Road, Bloubergstrand, South Africa
Arbatunity (Pty) Ltd|Reg. No.: 2019/631439/07|VAT: 4080291299
© 2024 by Arbatunity.  
Arbatunity is an authorised financial service provider (FSP 53713), and is an active member of The Crypto Asset Association of South Africa (CAASA).
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